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PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22: The Pros and Cons of Using a Cracked Version

PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22: What You Need to Know

If you are interested in programming PIC microcontrollers, you might have heard of PicBasic Pro, a powerful and easy-to-use BASIC compiler that supports a wide range of PIC devices. But what if you don't want to pay for a license or you want to access all the features without any limitations? That's where PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 comes in. In this article, we will explain what PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is, how to use it, what are its pros and cons, and what are some alternatives to it. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of whether PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is right for you or not.

picbasic pro 3 keygen 22


Before we dive into the details of PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22, let's first clarify some basic concepts.

What is PicBasic Pro and what it can do

PicBasic Pro is a BASIC compiler developed by microEngineering Labs, Inc. that allows you to write code for PIC microcontrollers using a simple and intuitive syntax. PIC microcontrollers are small, low-cost, and versatile chips that can be used for various applications, such as robotics, automation, sensors, displays, etc. With PicBasic Pro, you can program PIC microcontrollers without having to learn complex assembly language or C language. You can also use various commands and functions that make your code more readable and efficient. PicBasic Pro can generate code for over 800 PIC devices, from 8-bit to 32-bit, with different memory sizes, speeds, and peripherals.

What is a keygen and why you might need one

A keygen is a software tool that can generate serial numbers or activation codes for other software products. A serial number or activation code is usually required to register or activate a software product after installation. By using a keygen, you can bypass this requirement and use the software product without paying for a license or without any restrictions. You might need a keygen if you want to try out a software product before buying it, if you can't afford to buy a license, or if you want to access all the features that are otherwise locked or limited.

What is the meaning of "22" in the keygen name

The "22" in PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is the name of the keygen file that can generate serial numbers for PicBasic Pro 3. The "22" does not have any special meaning, it is just a random number that the keygen creator chose to name the file. There are other versions of PicBasic Pro 3 keygens, such as PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 21, PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 23, etc. They all work in a similar way, but they might have different serial numbers or activation codes. How to Download and Install PicBasic Pro 3

Before you can use PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22, you need to download and install PicBasic Pro 3 on your computer. Here are the steps to do that:

Where to find the official website and download link

The official website of PicBasic Pro is On this website, you can find more information about PicBasic Pro, such as its features, supported devices, documentation, examples, etc. You can also find the download link for PicBasic Pro 3 on this website. The download link is This is the latest version of PicBasic Pro 3 as of June 2023. You can also find older versions of PicBasic Pro 3 on this website, but we recommend using the latest version for better performance and compatibility.

How to run the setup file and follow the instructions

After you download the setup file, you need to run it and follow the instructions on the screen. The setup file is an executable file that will guide you through the installation process. You will need to agree to the license agreement, choose a destination folder, select the components to install, and create a shortcut on your desktop. The installation process should take only a few minutes, depending on your computer speed and internet connection.

How to activate the trial version or buy a license

After you install PicBasic Pro 3, you can use it for free for 15 days as a trial version. The trial version has all the features and functions of the full version, except that it will display a reminder message every time you run it. To activate the trial version, you need to enter your name and email address when prompted by the software. You will then receive an email with a confirmation link that you need to click to activate the trial version.

If you want to use PicBasic Pro 3 beyond the trial period, you need to buy a license from the official website. The license costs $249.95 for a single user license or $499.95 for a site license. A single user license allows you to use PicBasic Pro 3 on one computer only, while a site license allows you to use it on up to five computers in one location. To buy a license, you need to go to and choose the license type and payment method. You will then receive an email with a serial number that you need to enter in the registration window of PicBasic Pro 3.

How to Use PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22

If you don't want to buy a license or you want to access all the features without any limitations, you can use PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 instead. Here are the steps to use it:

Where to find the keygen file and how to run it

The keygen file is not available on the official website of PicBasic Pro, because it is an illegal tool that violates the terms and conditions of the software. You can only find it on some unofficial websites or online forums that share pirated software or cracks. However, be careful when downloading or running such files, because they might contain viruses, malware, or spyware that can harm your computer or steal your personal information.

One of the websites that claims to have PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is On this website, you can see a screenshot of the keygen and a download link for it. The download link is This is a zip file that contains two files: ORiON.nfo and ORiON.exe. The ORiON.nfo file is a text file that has some information about the keygen and its creator. The ORiON.exe file is the actual keygen file that can generate serial numbers for PicBasic Pro 3. To run the keygen file, you need to unzip the zip file and double-click on the ORiON.exe file. You might need to disable your antivirus or firewall software before running the keygen file, because they might detect it as a threat and block it.

How to generate a serial number and enter it in the registration window

When you run the keygen file, you will see a window that looks like this:

In this window, you can see a text box that says "Enter your name here". You can enter any name you want in this text box, and then click on the "Generate" button. The keygen will then generate a serial number based on your name and display it in the text box below. The serial number will look something like this: "PBP-1234-5678-9012-3456".

Now, you need to enter this serial number in the registration window of PicBasic Pro 3. To do that, you need to open PicBasic Pro 3 and go to the "Help" menu and select "Register". You will see a window that looks like this:

In this window, you need to enter your name and email address in the corresponding fields, and then enter the serial number that you generated with the keygen in the "Serial Number" field. Then, click on the "Register" button. The registration window will close and PicBasic Pro 3 will be activated.

How to verify that the keygen worked and all devices are enabled

To verify that the keygen worked and all devices are enabled, you can go to the "Help" menu and select "About". You will see a window that looks like this:

In this window, you can see your name and serial number in the top left corner, and a list of all supported devices in the bottom right corner. If the keygen worked, you should see a green check mark next to each device, indicating that it is enabled. If you see a red cross mark next to any device, it means that it is not enabled and you need to generate a new serial number with the keygen.

Pros and Cons of Using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22

Using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 might seem like a convenient and cost-effective way to use PicBasic Pro 3, but it also comes with some drawbacks and risks. Here are some of the pros and cons of using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22:

The benefits of using the keygen, such as saving money and accessing all features

One of the obvious benefits of using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is that you can save money by not buying a license for PicBasic Pro 3. A license for PicBasic Pro 3 can cost up to $499.95, which might be too expensive for some users or hobbyists who just want to experiment with PIC microcontrollers. By using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22, you can use PicBasic Pro 3 for free without paying anything.

Another benefit of using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is that you can access all the features and functions of PicBasic Pro 3 without any limitations or restrictions. Some features or functions of PicBasic Pro 3 might be locked or limited if you use the trial version or if you buy a license that does not cover all devices. For example, some devices might not be supported or some commands might not be available. By using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22, you can enable all devices and use all commands without any problems.

The risks of using the keygen, such as legal issues, malware, and compatibility problems

One of the major risks of using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is that you might face legal issues or penalties for violating the terms and conditions of PicBasic Pro 3. PicBasic Pro 3 is a proprietary software product that is protected by intellectual property rights and laws. By using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22, you are essentially stealing or pirating PicBasic Pro 3 without paying for it or obtaining permission from its developers. This is illegal and unethical, and you might get sued or fined by the developers or the authorities if you are caught or reported. You might also lose your reputation or credibility as a programmer or a user if you are exposed as a software pirate.

Another risk of using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is that you might infect your computer with malware or spyware that can damage your system or compromise your security. As we mentioned earlier, the keygen file is not available on the official website of PicBasic Pro, but only on some unofficial websites or online forums that share pirated software or cracks. These websites or forums might not be trustworthy or reliable, and they might host malicious files that can harm your computer or steal your personal information. You might also download fake or corrupted keygen files that do not work or cause errors. You might need to disable your antivirus or firewall software before running the keygen file, which can make your computer more vulnerable to attacks.

A third risk of using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is that you might encounter compatibility problems or bugs that can affect your programming experience or results. The keygen file might not be compatible with the latest version of PicBasic Pro 3 or with the latest updates or patches that the developers release. The keygen file might also interfere with some features or functions of PicBasic Pro 3 or cause them to malfunction. The keygen file might also generate invalid or duplicate serial numbers that can cause conflicts or errors. You might not be able to get technical support or customer service from the developers if you use the keygen file, because they will not recognize your serial number or license.

Alternatives to PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22

If you are not convinced by the benefits of using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22, or if you are concerned about the risks of using it, you might want to consider some alternatives to it. Here are some of the alternatives to PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22:

Other versions of PicBasic Pro and their differences

One alternative to PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is to use other versions of PicBasic Pro that are cheaper or free. For example, you can use PicBasic Pro Lite, which is a free version of PicBasic Pro that supports up to 12 devices and has some limitations on commands and functions. You can also use PicBasic Pro Student Edition, which is a discounted version of PicBasic Pro that supports up to 64 devices and has some limitations on code size and optimization. You can also use older versions of PicBasic Pro, such as PicBasic Pro 2, which are cheaper and have fewer features and supported devices.

The downside of using other versions of PicBasic Pro is that you might not be able to program all the devices that you want or need, or you might not be able to use all the features and functions that you want or need. You might also miss out on some improvements and enhancements that the developers make in the newer versions of PicBasic Pro.

Other PIC Basic compilers and their advantages and disadvantages

Another alternative to PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is to use other PIC Basic compilers that are similar to PicBasic Pro but have different features and prices. For example, you can use Great Cow Basic, which is a free and open source PIC Basic compiler that supports over 900 devices and has many commands and functions. You can also use Swordfish Basic, which is a commercial PIC Basic compiler that costs $99.95 and supports over 300 devices and has many features and libraries. You can also use PBPX, which is a cross-platform PIC Basic compiler that costs $149.95 and supports over 800 devices and has many features and options.

The downside of using other PIC Basic compilers is that you might have to learn a different syntax or style of coding, or you might have to adapt your existing code to work with them. You might also have to deal with different levels of quality, reliability, performance, support, documentation, etc.

Other ways to program PIC microcontrollers and their challenges and opportunities

A third alternative to PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is to use other ways to program PIC microcontrollers that are not based on BASIC language. For example, you can use assembly language, which is the native language of PIC microcontrollers and gives you full control and flexibility over them. You can also use C language, which is a popular and widely used language for programming microcontrollers and has many compilers and libraries available for PIC devices. You can also use other languages, such as Python, Java, Arduino, etc., which are easier and more fun to learn and use for programming microcontrollers.

The downside of using other ways to program PIC microcontrollers is that you might have to learn a new language from scratch, or you might have to deal with more complexity and difficulty in coding, debugging, or optimizing your programs. You might also have to find or buy suitable compilers, programmers, or hardware for your chosen language and device. Conclusion

In conclusion, PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is a software tool that can generate serial numbers or activation codes for PicBasic Pro 3, a BASIC compiler for PIC microcontrollers. By using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22, you can use PicBasic Pro 3 for free and without any limitations or restrictions. However, using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 also has some drawbacks and risks, such as legal issues, malware, and compatibility problems. Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of using PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 carefully before deciding to use it or not.

If you are not satisfied with PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22, you can also consider some alternatives to it, such as other versions of PicBasic Pro, other PIC Basic compilers, or other ways to program PIC microcontrollers. Each alternative has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you should choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

We hope that this article has helped you understand what PicBasic Pro 3 Keygen 22 is, how to use it, what are its pros and cons, and what are some alternatives to it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us through our website. Thank you for reading and happy programming!


What is PIC Basic?

PIC Basic is a dialect of BASIC language that is designed for programming PIC microcontrollers. PIC Basic is simple and easy to learn and use, and it can generate code for various PIC devices with different features and capabilities. PIC Basic can also use commands and functions that make programming PIC microcontrollers more convenient and efficient.

What are the system requirements for PicBasic Pro 3?

The system requirements for PicBasic Pro 3 are as follows:

  • Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

  • Processor: Pentium or higher

  • Memory: 256 MB RAM or higher

  • Disk space: 100 MB or higher

  • Internet connection: Required for activation and updates

  • Hardware: A compatible programmer for PIC microcontrollers

How many PIC devices are supported by PicBasic Pro 3?

PicBasic Pro 3 supports over 800 PIC devices, from 8-bit to 32-bit, with different memory sizes, speeds, and peripherals. You can find the complete list of supported devices on the official website of PicBasic Pro at

Is PicBasic Pro 3 compatible with Windows 10?

Yes, PicBasic Pro 3 is compatible with Windows 10. However, you might need to run it as an administrator or in compatibility mode if you encounter any problems or errors.

How can I contact the developers of PicBasic Pro 3?

You can contact the developers of PicBasic Pro 3 by using the following methods:

  • Email:

  • Phone: (719) 520-5323

  • Fax: (719) 520-1867

  • Mail: microEngineering Labs, Inc., P.O. Box 60039 Colorado Springs CO 80960 USA

  • Website:



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