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Hudson Martin
Hudson Martin

In The Shadow Of Naga (2008)

Either Naga or one of her clones makes an extended cameo appearance in the 2009 Slayers TV series Slayers Evolution-R as an animated suit of armor calling herself Nama, who bears a striking resemblance to Naga in both mannerisms (including her laugh) and spellcasting preferences. Nama was a treasure hunter, of whom only her shadow is actually shown and who has lost a majority of her memories when her soul got enchanted into the living armor. While it is never directly shown or confirmed to the audience or the characters that she is Naga, Nama is perfectly able to perform the Pacifist Crush move along with Amelia, something only a daughter of Prince Phil would know how to do, and Xellos makes a comment that the name Nama is very close to her actual name, implying that he knows her true identity. During the course of the series, Xellos makes Nama's spirit return to her original body by destroying the urn that has caused the curse.

In the Shadow of Naga (2008)

In the run-up to his attempt to take Kirrek, Sadow sent Kaleesh fallen Jedi Saes Rrogon to seek out rare Lignan crystals, which had the ability to bolster a dark side user's Force power. Sadow delayed his attack until Rrogon found a significant deposit on Phaegon III,[21] and with combat already raging on Kirrek, Sadow personally dispatched one of his most trusted captains, Yaru Korsin, to mine those crystals. However, both Korsin's Omen and sister ship Harbinger were lost to a Jedi attack.[22] Sadow's campaigns in this sector of the galaxy initially met with great success, as Sadow's spotty knowledge of the region actually worked in his favor, granting his forces a degree of unpredictability.[15] But while he seemed on the verge of victory, at a critical moment came a circumstance Sadow had not planned for. After encountering his sister Jori in the burning streets of his home city of Cinnagar, Gav Daragon had a change of heart and fled the battle in his warship, tracking Sadow to the Primus Goluud system.[20]

NBFCs are often called shadow banks as they function a lot like banks but with fewer regulatory controls. Barring a few, they cannot accept deposits from people and so raise money from bonds or borrow from banks.

  • Anime Slayers (1995) - the first season, which adapts first and third novels from the series.

  • Slayers NEXT (1996) - the second season, which adapts novels 2, 4, elements of 5, 7, and 8.

  • Slayers TRY (1997) - the third season, which has no novel counterpart. The autor hated it, and the proper sequel, scheduled for 1998, never materialised.

  • Slayers REVOLUTION (2008) - the fourth season. Mostly another original story, but also utilizes some elements of novel 5.

  • Slayers EVOLUTION-R (2009) - the fifth season (or the second half of the fourth, if you want); an Immediate Sequel to REVOLUTION, it also adapts elements of novel 6.

  • #-A 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: Slayers Premium (the jars the octopi carry and the water) and both Revolution and Evolution-R (some spells, water, and structures in the opening sequences).

  • Above Good and Evil: The Golden Lord/Lord of Nightmares was the original creator of both the Mazoku and the Gods, but seems to side with neither. When a powerful Mazoku gets the bright idea to use her power for his particular purpose (destroying the world), she just blasts him into nothingness. After making world-destroyers and world-protectors, she's mostly absent, but sometimes meddles anyway. If she has an agenda besides just sitting back and watching what happens, we never find out what it is.

  • The Abridged Series: projectshadow99's The Slayers Abridged.

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: The Blast Sword, from the second arc of the novels, is so sharp that it can actually cut through astral beings like Mazoku, who can't ordinarily be harmed by physical attacks.

  • Achievements in Ignorance: In the finale of NEXT, when The Lord of Nightmares is floating away in Lina's body, Gourry goes after her in an attempt to get Lina back. Exactly what Gourry intended to do when he caught up with her is a mystery, as he can't exactly stab the creator of all things out of Lina. Fortunately, the Lord of Nightmares decides to give Lina back after witnessing this.

  • Action Girl: Lina, Amelia and several others.

  • A-Cup Angst: Lina's not exactly flat as a board, but spending so much time with Naga and Amelia has made her rather sensitive about the fact that she lacks large breasts.

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: There's a bit of it across each form of media, but both Rezo and Zelgadis transitioning from novels to anime (and Zelgadis again in the Hourglass of Falces manga) is the biggest change.

  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Lina's hair color has shifted over the years: she began as a brunette (older novels, a few of the movies), transitioning to a coppery red color (older anime seasons and later main novels), and finally to bright red (newer anime and Special novels). Interestingly the fact she was originally brunette has not been completely forgotten by merchandise makers, as a few illustrations and merchandise that were made as recent as 2018 have depicted brunette Lina.

  • Amelia and Xellos both have black hair in the novels which are stylized purple, while both of their hair is straight-up purple in the anime. Also, Amelia's tunic is light yellow in the novels and white in both the anime and video games, and the Slayers Royal games, oddly enough, give her purple leggings in lieu of her pants.

  • Finally, Zelgadis' skin in the older books is a greenish color, his hair is silver, and his eyes are purple. In the anime, his eyes and skin are blue and his hair is purple. Art Evolution in the novels now has his novel design more resemble his anime design. His one unique trait in the novels, however, is a bridge of stone stuck between his left eyelids. Also, his white tunic becomes a deep tan in the anime and games.

  • Ad Bumpers: Shows rapid-fire cuts of the main characters and a Super-Deformed version of them, and a lingering look at one of them in modern clothes. Season one had Setting Update stills instead.

  • Aerith and Bob: For example, Philionel and his brother, Randy. A more exaggerated one in the "magic tennis" episode of NEXT.Announcer: And in our next set, the Frost siblings versus the team of Martina Xoana Mel Navrachoa and Keith!

  • Affably Evil: Rezo is a bishonen who is unsettlingly calm and polite. He's not exactly ''evil'', however.

  • Xellos, particularly the anime incarnation, is generally polite, well-mannered and charming... until he decides to remind the viewers that he's part of a race of Chaotic Evil Omnicidal Maniacs.

  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: appears to be standard issue among Gold Dragons and Ancient Dragons, who can convincingly take human forms. Among the Mazoku, however, only the most powerful are masters of this ability; the middle-level Mazoku tend to have Red Right Hands when pretending to be humans, and ones lesser still are limited to their true, monstrous forms.

  • Age-Gap Romance: In the first season and the start of the novels, Lina is 15 and Gourry is 22.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Eris and her creation Copy Rezo, especially in the anime.

  • Real Rezo. Particularly after Evolution-R, where his real goal is to be killed for good, before the Shabranigdo fragment takes control again and blows up the world.

  • Ozzel isn't exactly a villain, although due to Rezo's orders (or those of whoever happens to own the Hellmaster's Jar at the time) she does sometimes have to act as an antagonist to Lina and the others. And her succeeding in understanding human emotions, and proving she has a soul, comes just in time for her to die.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Novels only: Luke, a former assassin, is in love with his partner (and the one who convinced him to change his ways) Milina; Milina does not acknowledge his feelings at all. In the Hourglass of Falces manga (in which both of them are regular members of the group), however, it's shown that she somewhat reciprocates them.

  • Eris and Ozzel to Rezo.

  • Sylphiel to Gourry.

  • All-Natural Gem Polish: Averted in the first novel and an early episode of the anime. Lina lifts a load of treasure from bandits, but finds that most of the gems are flawed and not worth much. She then enchants them into protection amulets to up their sale value.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Chimeras, all whom are frowned upon for their appearances (which, in turn, tends to make them emotionally unstable). Beastmen also gain some flak, but not as much. On the other hand, Dragons tend to look down on all of the other races, save maybe the Elves, due to their...nature.

  • All There in the Manual: Interviews with the author of the novels are found in the back of every Slayers novel. They're one of the few sources of info in regards to how the world works, because most of the media do not elaborate about how magic works, character backgrounds, and overarching stories (such as both the war between Shabranigdo and Ciefeed and the Mazoku war that made the Inner World barrier) beyond some basic facts. For example, almost everything about Gourry's backstory is in interviews only, save for one story released in a novel detailing an incident he got involved in a few weeks before meeting Lina. There are several guidebooks out now as well, but they're hardly elaborate - one of them has profiles for Satellite Characters Luke and Millina, but they have no established backgrounds given. Even then, the established universe can be confusing to interpret because Kanzaka contradicts himself about his canon's own work and often makes facts up on the fly.

  • Aloof Big Sister: Luna Inverse hasn't even actually appeared in the series, yet just the implication of her is enough to strike mortal terror in Lina. In all fairness, she brought it on herself. Lina is capable of defeating gods, and even summoning the creator of all things. Yet when a servant of the gods comes looking for someone to save the world, they contact Luna first. Think about that for a moment.

  • Alternate Continuity: Numerous. All the mediums telling the story of Slayers have shared events and similar plot progressions (if involving different details and in slightly different orders) up to the Hellmaster Phibrizzo arc, after which they all split into completely different directions. The main series of novels (Slayers) was the first and original iteration. It is split into two arcs (1-8, 9-15), with the first arc being the one that has direct counterparts in anime and manga format.

  • The anime (Slayers, NEXT, TRY, Revolution, Evolution-R, as well as the Premium movie), serves as the second iteration, based on the first arc of the novels until the finale of NEXT (with one skipped plotline from the novels later getting animated in Evolution-R). It should be noted that it contradicts the novels (and also itself) in a few places.

  • The Knight of the Aqua Lord manga is officially recognized as a third continuity (splitting from the novel verse after volume 8), and exists as another alternate second arc, standing alongside novels 9-15 and TRY as an original story directly following the Phibrizzo arc.

  • The Lina and Naga adventures (the Special novels, Special and Excellent OVAs, and first four movies) are canon back story to all three.

  • Additionally, manga counterparts exist for the first two anime seasons, Revolution, and Evolution-R, as well as two other manga series, Slayers: Light-Magic and Neo-Slayers: The Hourglass of Falces, with Hourglass of Falces as possibly the first entry in a new ongoing fourth continuity.

  • Additionally additionally, five video games, two named just Slayers, then Royal, Royal 2 for Sega Saturn/PlayStation, and Wonderful for the PlayStation, none of which are considered canon.

  • Always Chaotic Evil: The Mazoku/Monsters. Shabranigdo: The power of the Monster race flows from [...] terror, anger, sorrow, despair.

  • Always Save the Girl: In this case it's Always Save The Boy. Lina uses a spell that might well destroy the world if cast incorrectly, simply because there's no other way to save Gourry.

  • Anachronism Stew: Quite a few, all Played for Laughs. The most prominent would be clothing, ranging from typical fantasy armors and robes, to modern-looking sun dresses and t-shirt/pants combos. Zelgadis wears a hooded sweatshirt of all things in an episode of Revolution.

  • There's the odd serious example from time to time, too. Episode 25 of the first series has Sylphiel trying to revive a fallen Lina with modern CPR, including chest compressions.

  • And I Must Scream: The original fate of Daymia in the novels is... not pretty.

  • Animated Adaptation: Originally a serialized set of novels.

  • Anime Theme Song, sung by Megumi Hayashibara. And not just one; all 14 of the anime theme songs have been sung by her.

  • Anti-Magic: The Spell "Flow Break" dispels everything but White Magic and causes animation spells (such as armor and Golem) to stop working.

  • There was a Magitek train in TRY, the power source of which absorbed all magic, making attack spells about as useful as throwing toy squibs.

  • Anticlimax: The first episode of NEXT has Martina unleashing a giant man-driven mechanical golem to use against the Slayers cast. First, she uses it to fire an energy beam that obliterates a mountain in the distance with a huge explosion to show off its power. Just as Martina turns the target sights on Lina and her friends, the golem malfunctions and breaks down. Lina points out that the golem had been in storage for centuries, so it eroded from lack of maintenance.

  • Apocalypse How: Across three of the five seasons of the anime and in a few novels, the Big Bad usually shoots for Class X (obliteration of the planet), regardless of their reasons why. And that's not even mentioning the Giga Slave. If that were to run wild, it rates as a Class Z. And it's the hero's original spell.

  • Art Evolution: It's obvious there would be some of this, considering that the first anime season aired in 1995 and the most recent came out in 2009, but even watching the third season (TRY) and going back to the first is pretty jarring. Gourry and Lina's character designs in particular have changed quite a bit over the years, to the point that Lina's hair has even changed color from reddish-brown to bright red over time.

  • This also occurs in the original novels' artwork. Older drawings of the characters and the first five novels or so are much more detailed in regards to the characters' clothing and the backgrounds, and the eyes and faces of the females are very rounded. Later novels and art overall are less detailed, the eyes (such as Lina's, Gourry's, and Amelia's) are sharper, and faces are a bit more deformed. Gourry in particular looks much, much different in the early years of the franchise, and in the final novel he almost looks like a different person.

  • It's also worth nothing that, when the covers of the novels were re-drawn, Rui Araizumi drew Zelgadis a bit more in the likeness of his anime design, even making his skin blue (originally in the novels, his skin is greenish).

  • And the art of the ''Super Explosive Demon Story'' manga starts off similar to the novels (highly detailed, fluid poses, rounded figures) and deteriorates overtime (stiff poses, no conservation of detail, etc.).

  • Ascended Extra: Technically Amelia and Zelgadis, considering the fact that they do not appear in the second arc of the novels at all, whereas they are major characters in the anime and most of the manga and games.

  • By contrast, Luke and Milina, Lina and Gourry's two other party members from the second arc, only appear outside the novels in the Hourglass of Falces manga, where they are part of a six-man band instead.

  • Xellos only appears in five of the novels (cameoing in the last one), so technically he could be this, especially considering his role and given relationship with Filia in TRY.

  • And because of his role in the fourth and fifth seasons, Rezo also qualifies.

  • Audible Sharpness: Most of the swordsmen, especially Gourry and Zangulus.

  • Audio Adaptation: Ten, all of them made well after the three early anime seasons aired. Among them is a crossover with the cast of the Sorcerer Stabber Orphen series.

  • Autobots, Rock Out!: The whole cast in the end of Evolution-R fighting to the tune of "Give a Reason".

  • Avenging the Villain: Eris, Valgaav, Jillas.

  • Awesome, but Impractical: The Blast Blade is so incredibly sharp that it has to be magically dulled before it can be handled safely.



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