Download 30x Aol Com Txt VERIFIED
Boy oh boy do I need help --- it appears I have the scorpion virus on my computer. I have never had a virus infection before, so this is throwing me for a loop. I've read your instructions, (after I goofed and wrote on another forum --- sorry!), and have downloaded the dds.scr file and below are the results.
Download 30x Aol com txt
Welcome to the forum, first.....try to uninstall it from your add/remove programs.Then........Lets clean out any adware/spyware now: (this will require a reboot so save all your work)Please download AdwCleaner by Xplode and save to your Desktop.Make sure you click on download buttons that look similar to this, not "sponsored ad links":
I am sorry to be so dense, but how do I download this file to the same folder as FRST? I have a notepad FRST but no folder. And I could not find the FRST.exe file in my downloads. Is it too late to redo this step? 041b061a72